Purchase Specifications (K9-04-2022)

This document serves to provide each company or organisation that engages in business with Lamberts (Norwich) Ltd with information about the current procedures within our Purchasing department, along with requests for further information about your procedures.


One Invoice per Purchase Order to be sent via email as a .pdf attachment.

Lamberts (Norwich) Ltd are implementing a No Purchase Order No Payment policy for all supplier invoices. This means that a valid Purchase Order Number must be present on allinvoices sent for payment. All supplier invoices must match the Purchase Order provided by Lamberts (Norwich) Ltd, reflecting the same cost, quantities, and product description.


Minimum order values and carriage charges

If you have minimum order values and/or carriage charges, then please update us with a formal letter advising us of your minimum order values and carriage charges and any carriage paid terms. Carriage charges must be on our Purchase Order or confirmed at the time with our Purchasing Department for them to be approved for payment.


Order Acceptance

If our Purchase Order does not reflect the correct properties, please advise our Purchasing department, and await approval before proceeding with the order. By accepting our order, you are accepting the stated price and our terms. Any invoices without the correct information requested above could be held up and even refused.


Lead Times

Please be advised that if no order confirmation is received within 24 hours from received purchase order, we will assume all goods will be delivered to us next day at no extra cost unless agreed otherwise. If a delivery date is provided and confirmed by our Purchasing department then we will expect to receive delivery on the date provided, if goods are not delivered on the specified date, further action may be taken including late delivery charges.


Delivery of Goods

All deliveries must be provided with a supplier Advice note including our Purchase Order number along with the quantity, part number, and description of goods. The goods should be securely packaged and protected to prevent damage and deterioration in transit. All products supplied must be free from defect and fit for the purpose intended. All deliveries are signed for un-inspected and will be checked according to our Incoming inspection procedure as specified within our QMS (Quality Management System).



Technical Specifications may be required e.g., Technical Drawings, Sizes, Dimensions, Weights.

Test Certificates may be required at any time (if applicable).

COSHH Sheets will be required (if applicable).



A non-conformance could be identified through customer complaints, internal audits, external audits, incoming material inspection or simply during normal testing and inspection activities. At the point that we are made aware of any Non-Conformances we will notify you at our earliest convenience and follow our normal non-conformance procedure.


Price Lists

Please provide all price lists via email as an .xls attachment.


Supply Chain:

All Suppliers must adhere to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 policy and statement request.



We require all suppliers to declare that they are not involved in any acts modern slavery.

Lamberts policy available from :



We require all Quality Assured suppliers to inform us of their status and provide a copy of their certificate. A copy of our certificate for your records is available from :



As stated on the bottom of all our Purchase Orders please note that all orders must comply with these Purchase Specifications, available from :



Should additional clarification be required, please refer to your normal purchasing contact at Lamberts (Norwich) Ltd.



Purchase Department