Mental Health issues can affect anyone. What can we do to help?
Posted on 07/03/19
“Mental health problems are all too common in the workplace and it is the leading cause of sickness absence. A staggering 70 million work days are lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK, costing employers approximately £2.4 billion per year.” Mental Health Foundation

I’ve recently been involved with the Mind charity in a fund-raising capacity and attended one of their awareness events where some incredibly inspirational people opened my eyes to the extent of mental health sufferers across the whole community. I learned about bipolar disorder and depression, and the links to homelessness and alcoholism, and the varying levels of mental health disorders. It is very apparent that any one of us can suffer from a mental health issue, and probably have, at some stage in our lives and, more than ever, I think it’s important to be aware of the emotional state of those around us - in our personal lives and in the workplace – and to react and support those who need us at an early stage.
At Lamberts we are proud that our average days lost through sickness was just 2.51 days per employee compared to the national average of 7.45 days per employee. Some of these days will undoubtedly be due to mental health issues so what can we do to support those who are suffering?
It can be hard to spot warning signs but a good indication is a change in behaviour. Then take the time to ask them if they’re OK? Importantly listen to what they are saying, and try to understand, and offer support where you can. Lamberts offers its staff and their families counselling and other valuable third-party support if they are struggling to cope on their own.
Employees, as well as being people we should care about, are a company’s most valuable asset and my recent association with Mind has made me realise even more that we need to look after our staff. The benefits include a happier working environment which reflects on the service we give to our customers.
So if your day is not going as planned and you need parts to finish the task, give us a call on 03300 535598, and a chat with our team will hopefully lift your spirits and solve your immediate supply need.
Trina Beare, Managing Director
For more information on supporting people with Mental Health issues visit the Mind website. Here you can also find specific advice and help on Mental Health in the Workplace.