Getting Your Name Out There - The Importance of Branding

All the greatest heroes are branded up these days. From Superman’s not-so-discreet, in your face ‘S’, to Batman’s bat silhouette that has defied the ages, and sold mugs and pencil cases by the bucket load…

But not all heroes wear capes, so it goes. They prefer to wear poloshirts, or t-shirts (yes, there is a difference, funnily enough), with their logo beautifully adorned… front left, either arm, back… or front and centre, or all of the above; logos that shout, ‘This is me, this is what I do, I’m good, and I work weekends!’

And let’s face it, everyone loves to see their logo on something – a thing you pack your identity into to raise your company profile, and be known. To give people little clues about your services, and plant the seeds to pick up that phone, and ask the question. And when you’re big and bad enough, you can kit out your own crew, and watch them fight for your cause – Avengers assemble! (Remember: avoid the ‘slim fit’ options for the Hulks out there)

logo printed t-shirt for company branding

It all starts with your colours – find your corporate colours that fits your logo. The beauty of modern workwear is the range of colours available to build your corporate look around. You need no longer look like a run-down character from ‘Of Mice & Men’. So, Lennie, get rid of those denim dungarees, they have seriously had their day! Pick a t-shirt and you’ll have to choose from 55 colours… That’s (more than) a different colour every week. The hardest thing you have to do, is choose.

You have to start somewhere. The branding you’ve chosen will dictate your uniform, and that uniform can follow your company through the ages – look up the Thomas Cook ‘Interpreters’ of the Victorian era, and their specially designed navy blue coats, or the stripy 80s Blouses of the British Airways cabin crew. All worth a Google.

Your daily activities may dictate your corporate look too, and make the job easy for you. Can you imagine Bill Murray catching ghosts in a 100% Wool V-neck sweater, rather than a boiler suit? Even Vanish wouldn’t get the slime out of that… However, if you can dream it, you can logo it. And at Lamberts we can help get your name out there

Remember, your logo is your baby: eventually, it’ll stand up for itself, and be iconic. Fledgling logos will transcend across mediums, not just content to look pretty on a business card. A good logo will look good where ever you put it… But good logos don’t become good overnight… Don’t overcomplicate it either. Condense, refine, scrap it, and start again. The simplest logos often work the best: When you see a giant yellow ‘M’, what do you think about?... You’ll probably want to go out and buy a burger now.

Come in and see us instead, talk us through your logo, and talk to us about your company colours. We won’t design your logo, but we’ll help you envision your company style. And we’ll help you look, and feel, like a superhero (just remember, you’re not actually bullet proof).

So, when it comes to workwear, Who You Gonna Call?

Tom Collin
Workwear Supervisor

01603 422134