14,000 Things to Make You Happy

This blog is inspired by a book of the same title where author Barbara Ann Kipfer has, over the past 50 years, compiled a list of all the things that have made her happy.  These range from having goose bumps to writing a screenplay!

Everyone will have their own list of what makes them happy, whether it’s written down or stored in our memories, and all our lists will be different.  I know that on my list will be children putting the squash bottle back where it belongs; the somewhat aloof cat actually choosing to sit on my lap; and the view down my garden.  Each of these brings a smile to my face even as I sit here writing about them.

But show me a koala and happiness levels go through the ceiling.  I cannot look at a koala without giggling inexplicably.  There is no rational reason for this – they just make me laugh!  As you can imagine, my sides were aching and tears streaming down my face by the end of the hour long programme ‘The Secret Life of Koalas’ (Channel 5, 5 Feb 2019)

three koalas in trees

Studies show that being happy doesn’t just make you feel better but also benefits your health.  Healthline reports that being happy

  • promotes a healthy lifestyle
  • appears to boost the immune system
  • may protect your heart
  • could lengthen your life expectancy
  • may reduce pain
  • helps combat stress

My trick for trying to stay happy is to keep a picture of a koala close to hand (stored on my phone) – it’s guaranteed to bring a smile to my face whatever has happened.

So if your day is not going as planned - the task in hand is proving to be more difficult than you thought it would be; you’ve accidentally broken a vital component; or you haven’t enough parts to finish the job - then step back, take a deep breath, and bring a happy thought to the forefront of your mind.

Then it's time to give us a call at Lamberts and we’ll do our very best to help sort your problem and get that missing component to you, and keep you smiling! We have in stock over 14,000 things to make you happy! Telephone 0330 053 5598

Written by Davina Young

Further details on the reports and the effects of happiness can be found on Healthline’s website.